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I Mother lt!

Dear Readers,I am writing this blog today on what my mother taught me,the most valuable lesson I would always carry exorbitantly. Many of you would be celebrating mothers day,gifting your mothers chi-chi gifts or by thanking and talking the soul with her!Yeah,that's the way to celebrate the day, but not this time. The word 'mother' has got its origin from almost all the languages, the sound " maa " being most prominent.It is seen to have no absolute meaning, but is just used as of course this sound is  most nimble of all for a child to utter. We all understand "mother" as the woman who birthed us by haggling with us for 9 months!, we understand her as the woman who fluxed our pain in hers, who slept after we snored, and lives nonetheless we do.That's a mother!! Its discernible that you need to make your mother the proudest  mommy, make her happy as if her sacrifices were worth, and respect her as if she is your life time creditor!  We can never recov

Inspired or Influenced?....two sides of the same coin

 Hello Readers, and welcome back! Lets speak today about one of the most interesting human behaviors, i.e, inspiration and influence .We will first know what they exactly mean, how are they caused, how to distinguish, and finally which one is better. First--Inspiration: Inspiration is a  feeling of enthusiasm you get from someone or something , that gives you new and creative ideas.If something or someone is the inspiration for a particular book, work of art, or action, they are the source of the ideas in it or act as a model for it. Many a times we are asked about our role models, it is nothing but our inspiration, who create a sense of commitment towards our passion. Inspiration is a sudden intuition or idea, or something that arouses your desire to take action. In simple words its the force that pulls you, its the desire to achieve more, its an idea to tussle for, its all within you.  POINT TO REMEMBER IS THAT THE ORIGIN OF INSPIRATION IS WITHIN YOU, AND INPIRATION IS LONG LASTING,

गणपति बाप्पा मोरया 🙏🙏

HELLO FRIEND, AND WELCOME BACK!! WISH YOU  A VERY SHUBH GANESH CHATURTHI! Lord Ganesh [:GAN(PEOPLE)+ ISH(LEADER)], the Lord of beginnings as well as the Remover of Obstacles, brings life lessons for us.Though lessons Lord Ganesha teaches are enormous, lets at least apply these 6 lessons from his life: 1) DUTY IS ABOVE EVERYTHING: Goddess Parvati created Lord Ganesha using turmeric and infused life into it. We know what is the story behind Ganesha’s creation. Ganesha was upto his duty, eventhough he knew Lord Shiva would kill him.    2)PARENTS ARE THE WORLD TO US: The famous anecdote where Lord Ganesha revolves around Shiva-Parvati, when asked to take 3 rounds of the universe, rightly explains that Parents are the world to us. Both the points tell us that we must always respect our parents, and elders.  3)FORGIVENESS IS DIVINE: You may have heard of Lord Ganesha cursing the moon, for mocking him about his plump belly. Ganesha cursed him to disappear from the sky, but when moon pl


Hello guys and welcome back!✌✌ Well this time I request you, now that you have entered the blog, please read it till THE END. It is going to be for you today! In this world that we are born, as humans; we all want to leave a mark, be remembered and appreciated even after our death. We want to give back to this earth, bestow as much we can to the society. And that is when the term GREATNESS comes to our mind. We all want to be GREAT(all of us have thought of it, at least once). We want to be THE ABRAHAM LINCOLNs, THE NELSON MANDELAs, THE MICHELANGELOs, THE MOHHAMAD ALIs ,and a lot more people whom we know as GREAT, of our own field. What is then the difference between Greatness and Success? The answer is, Success is identified as the achievement of a quantifiable and measurable goal. Ex: Getting into a good college, then into a famous company, and then to earn a lucrative salary. Greatness, on the other hand falls in the domain of contribution, of making a difference.Ex:helping your


 Don't you like Domino's! Don't you play video games! Don't you watch Hollywood! Don't you wake up late! Don't you this and Don't you that!!! So many Don't yous in our'int it? Hello all the LIVELY readers. The world we live in is a mocktail (which do you prefer Mojito or Shock wave??just jokinn) We have  combination of fat uncles and long aunties, smart children and naive adults, misanthrope kids and philosophical parents! and many more, all of them having a different understanding on LIFE and how to Live. In this fuss we are allowed to choose how we wish to live, create our own rules, unless it disturbs others. We are allowed to live freely, then why do people's thought define us?? Look at this dress, it was the one Deepika wore in her movie. I will go for it, let expensive it be. Look at the phone, its same I saw with Shreya, and indeed her choice can't be bad. I will go for it. What will she think of me when I buy an inf


HERE IS A GENTLE REMINDER! THE REASON TO CLIMB THE EVEREST SHOULD BE GREATER THAN THE EVEREST! Really awakening. We must not forget that any work we do, until we do not have a definite purpose to accomplish it, we will not be charged with energy from the powerhouse_mind. The movie POORNA has jolted me out to this fact.Just get a purpose to climb your Everest and make sure the chilly winds CANNOT disrupt it away. CARRY ON!

कहाँ फिसल गए वह दिन?

     कहाँ  फिसल गए वह दिन?                                                    कैसे फिसल गए वह दिन जिनमे था असली जीवन                                                     बस याद करो कब था आपने खुलकर जीया?                                               कब था वह आखरी दिन जब न थी कोई थकान,                                                                    और न ही कोई शिकायत                                                                        न थी कोई टेंशन,                                                              बस थी हसने की ज़िम्मेदारी                                        कहाँ  फिसल गए वह दिन?....... याद कीजिये दोस्तों !                                                              कोनसे थे वह आखरी पल,                                               जब छोटे से छोटे लक्ष्य को पाने के लिए आप थे अटल                                                               फिर चाहे ज़िद से या रो कर,                                                                  आप रहते  लक्ष्य पाकर