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Hello guys and welcome back!✌✌

Well this time I request you, now that you have entered the blog, please read it till THE END. It is going to be for you today!

In this world that we are born, as humans; we all want to leave a mark, be remembered and appreciated even after our death. We want to give back to this earth, bestow as much we can to the society. And that is when the term GREATNESS comes to our mind. We all want to be GREAT(all of us have thought of it, at least once). We want to be THE ABRAHAM LINCOLNs, THE NELSON MANDELAs, THE MICHELANGELOs, THE MOHHAMAD ALIs ,and a lot more people whom we know as GREAT, of our own field.

What is then the difference between Greatness and Success?

The answer is, Success is identified as the achievement of a quantifiable and measurable goal. Ex: Getting into a good college, then into a famous company, and then to earn a lucrative salary.

Greatness, on the other hand falls in the domain of contribution, of making a difference.Ex:helping your colleagues realize their potential, setting up free services for poor.(though achieving success is also important) 
They Say:

Yess! Greatness comes when one carries up most hearts by attraction of his own.
What it simply means is that Greatness is just spreading happiness to one who is depressed, Love to one who may not have treated you well, Hope to one who has given up, and Strength to one who is weak. It is Just GIVING BACK TO THE SOCIETY. Directing people in the rough storms of life is called GREATNESS.

How do I achieve it?

Friends, Greatness is not an inherited trait, or a talent, it is a seed present in all of us. Just we need to nurture and water it. 

''We will achieve greatness only in the field we love. I am not talking about passion. Passion is just a feeling, an emotion,it is fleeting.It comes and goes. Greatness, I am speaking about is an OBSESSION, a fixation,it is an unwavering, persistent desire, which consumes all of you.''You may regard it as being 'tip to toe' in the work you do.

(Quoted from DAREN HARDY'S words).

In our day to day life, greatness is just going the extra mile, letting people know what is right through your actions, influencing them, yet letting them to be the original (I know it confuses you a little,but getting great is easy, its necessary)in a way we all are GREAT, and can be BETTER. 'WE ALL DESERVE A STANDING OVATION ONCE IN OUR LIFE", indeed..

NEVER expect greatness to be A BOSSY quality or think it a symbol of  SUPERIORITY. 

Having said this, I would warn you not to forget your original identity, in search of Greatness, stay yourself and give your 100% in all the task you do. 


For any suggestions, please note that the comment box is always open for you  (so that I can improve)!


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