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गणपति बाप्पा मोरया 🙏🙏



Lord Ganesh [:GAN(PEOPLE)+ ISH(LEADER)], the Lord of beginnings as well as the Remover of Obstacles, brings life lessons for us.Though lessons Lord Ganesha teaches are enormous, lets at least apply these 6 lessons from his life:

1) DUTY IS ABOVE EVERYTHING: Goddess Parvati created Lord Ganesha using turmeric and infused life into it. We know what is the story behind Ganesha’s creation. Ganesha was upto his duty, eventhough he knew Lord Shiva would kill him. 

 2)PARENTS ARE THE WORLD TO US: The famous anecdote where Lord Ganesha revolves around Shiva-Parvati, when asked to take 3 rounds of the universe, rightly explains that Parents are the world to us. Both the points tell us that we must always respect our parents, and elders.

 3)FORGIVENESS IS DIVINE: You may have heard of Lord Ganesha cursing the moon, for mocking him about his plump belly. Ganesha cursed him to disappear from the sky, but when moon pleaded, he couldn’t take the curse back, but reduced the span to a day. 

 4) GIVE YOUR BEST IN ANY TASK YOU TAKE UP: The legend says that sage Vyasa  wanted to write the epic, Mahabharata, and he requested Lord Ganesha to write it down while he narrated the verse. The Lord agreed on one condition--Sage Vyasa was supposed to finish reciting the verses without a pause, and Lord Ganesha would write without taking a break. The two sat down to write one of the greatest epics known to mankind, but faith had something else in store--Lord Ganesha's pen broke while he was still writing. Lord Ganesha broke one of his tusks, and continued writing the epic. Lord Ganesha sacrificed his own tusk to finish a task meant for greater good. If we could all imbibe this lesson from him, we'd all be closer to success than we already are.

 5)HEAR FIRST: Lord Ganesha’s huge ear symbolize the power of listening skills. What we hear, from various people gives us wide spectrum of knowledge and a capacity to learn from others’ mistakes.

 6)FOCUS: Ganesha’s sharp and serrated eyes teach us to be attentive and focused. Looking at every small, individual detail is very important.

Also let's know why is the God immersed in water after the festival concludes??
There are various reasons for it:
1) MYTHOLOGICAL REASON: When Lord Ganesha is immersed after the festival, he takes away with him all the obstacles and  negativity, and leaves a vibrant environment for all of us. He is also returned to his origin, the earth, his stay.

2)RESTORING THE LAND FERTILITY: The month in which the festival falls, experiences immense  to gravitational pull, the river water level falls, thus reducing its activity of washing the shore.When CLAY IDOLS are immersed, it increases the water level, thus, restoring the fertility of the soil. But our fact-blindness of using POP has led to various adverse effects.

Thank you!


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