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Inspired or Influenced?....two sides of the same coin

 Hello Readers, and welcome back!

Lets speak today about one of the most interesting human behaviors, i.e, inspiration and influence.We will first know what they exactly mean, how are they caused, how to distinguish, and finally which one is better.

First--Inspiration:Inspiration is a feeling of enthusiasm you get from someone or something, that gives you new and creative ideas.If something or someone is the inspiration for a particular book, work of art, or action, they are the source of the ideas in it or act as a model for it.

Many a times we are asked about our role models, it is nothing but our inspiration, who create a sense of commitment towards our passion. Inspiration is a sudden intuition or idea, or something that arouses your desire to take action. In simple words its the force that pulls you, its the desire to achieve more, its an idea to tussle for, its all within you. 

POINT TO REMEMBER IS THAT THE ORIGIN OF INSPIRATION IS WITHIN YOU, AND INPIRATION IS LONG LASTING, ETERNAL. For example, Naina Lal Kidwai is an inspiration for me. What's yours?, do share in the comment section....

 Moving forward,what then is Influence? 

Well, do you know, advertisements influence 90% of the consumers to make a purchase! It is true that most of the habits we create are always influenced by our friends and family.

So, we can say that influence is the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.

We are all the products of what and who we are surrounded with. It is just our reflection to our niche. The point to be noted here is that the source of Influence is from OUTSIDE US, ITS TEMPORARY, UNTIL WE REALISE OUR OWN SELF!  an example for it is motivation, which influences us in a positive way, yet it is temporary.

We often hear that 'change is the only constant'. When we get influenced by others, how do we recognise it as a positive or negative change in us?

 As mentioned in my previous article ' BE YOUR OWN BOSS', we must understand that all the inputs we get from the surroundings,that help us upgrade ourselves is a positive influence. Time and again,we are influenced by our friends, their habits. It then depends on us which of them to accept.

It's true that even an inspiration influences us in a positive way, but the effect is long lasting.

It visibly takes time , but it works. We all need to understand, that its not necessary to accept and reflect on each and everything people surrounding us do. It's all what we choose. At last, we are our own bosses.....


  1. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™Œ

  2. As asked by one of the reader....when we understand we are under a negative influence, how do we escale it?
    The solution is to ignore the source, maybe any of your friend, any podcast, any issure, it can be anything. Just ignore it understanding that it is harming your inner peace.

  3. Another fact I would like to add here is that having an inspiration(here a person) doesn't mean for us to copy and duplicate them, but it's about reflecting on their lives and learning from their experiences.

  4. This is what i was asking for, nicely explained๐Ÿ‘

  5. Absolutely true,๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ‘


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