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 Don't you like Domino's!

Don't you play video games!

Don't you watch Hollywood!

Don't you wake up late!

Don't you this and Don't you that!!!

So many Don't yous in our'int it?

Hello all the LIVELY readers.

The world we live in is a mocktail (which do you prefer Mojito or Shock wave??just jokinn) We have  combination of fat uncles and long aunties, smart children and naive adults, misanthrope kids and philosophical parents! and many more, all of them having a different understanding on LIFE and how to Live.

In this fuss we are allowed to choose how we wish to live, create our own rules, unless it disturbs others. We are allowed to live freely, then why do people's thought define us??

Look at this dress, it was the one Deepika wore in her movie. I will go for it, let expensive it be.

Look at the phone, its same I saw with Shreya, and indeed her choice can't be bad. I will go for it. What will she think of me when I buy an inferior one?

Look at the book. It is the same that my cousin had that day. It will surely be good.

Dear friends, we often tend to look ourselves through the eyes of others, are we blind to do that??

Why do then we look at people first? Sometimes, their choices even turn our decisions, their lifestyle decides ours, their likes becomes our. This is the general behavior of the Human Brain. There is a heuristic( the mental process of creating a shortcut for decision making) most of us decide to do, think, say and buy. Looking at others performing something and the results they reap, we tend to persuade our brain that the same will fall for us. 

 In his book Influence, Cialdini uses the example of advertisers informing us that a product is the “fastest-growing” or “best-selling.” Advertisers don’t have to persuade us that a product is good, they only need to say others think so.

It is actually our natural tendency and no one except us can cure it. When we look at social media, different people and their statuses, it creates a mental illusion and decides the next step we take, obviously inclined to what we saw. A cure to this predicament can be SELF ANALYSIS. We need to research and introspect any time we feel inclined to others' views. We should inspect whether the same is applicable to us and if it is really necessary in our lives. This will indeed help us improve. Sometimes, copying people can also help us overcome our fear! but not always. Make sure that you get persuaded only for right reasons.

Well do you notice, 45% of your expenses are just borne to copy others.

Remember, you are not a puppet to be manipulated and played with. YOU ARE YOURSELVES, ASK THE WORLD TO ADJUST!

Stay cautious, Stay you! 


  1. Felt so good after reading thiss..๐Ÿ˜

  2. Such an important reminder to check in with ourselves nd the decision we are making, being unbiased. Thank you for sharing.

  3. We always love ourselves more than other people but care what they think

    We are still slaves of “what other people think about us”
    Great article !


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