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 Hey guys! 

The article you are reading now is to bring a lamp so that you see the reality clearly!

#maybe you are the next prey and you don't even know!

Have you read the book-Influence:The Psychology Of Persuasion?

Sounds too scholarly maybe......hena?

This book is the best recommendation marketers have ever had!
Let me help you with the hack of convincing someone,but yeah for good!

The book basically talks about 7 principles that you should use in the pursuit of  convincing someone.
I am writing a first ever review because I am sure its not possible for all of you to read the fat version,and hence some of you depend on me(lol).
Its just the shorter edition of what minimum you need to know from this book that is over pouring with knowledge.

  • The  very first principle and the most indispensable  is "Door in the Face Technique".
Have you ever noticed that whenever we go to a mall for shopping,the most expensive items are always kept in the entrance.Same goes when we visit a shop(if not,notice it the next time;)
The reason behind this is that when we first are countered with something costly, the successive things feel less costlier!
So if you want to convince someone with your demand, place a somewhat higher demand first,and then automatically see your second,i.e,the true demand fulfill.

  • The next trick is using the power of "RECIPROCATION".

You might have visited a temple wherein young children,without even a call,come and put the tilak,or the Iscon mission distributing books without even asking.
You know what happens next right?
You are obliged to hear their plead out,and 90% of us reciprocate to help.
The principle says that when you need any person to hear you out or help you(or even make them buy your product) first give them a favour.
Its the human tendency to be good to the ones who have helped you, and so, you can easily put forward your demand then.
Sometimes in the flow, we all come up with commitments(even false) and that leads to our reciprocation to stick on it and  maintain our image in front of someone.
So beware of false commitments!

  • Ahead whats more interesting is SOCIAL PROOF.

Its easy to convince someone that something is good just by pointing out that people alike them are also in it,and that's just enough.It makes the person feel safe and thus s/he also wishes to be part of the "safe-herd".The example illustrated is so real: the canned-laughter(the background noise of people laughing in a comedy show) makes you laugh too,even when the joke is silly!

The author has also pointed out that when you are at a position higher than a person,its easy for you to make them listen your demand, and this position can be created by using Clothes and other Accessories.It brings forward an apparent authority. 

And the last principle is SCARCITY.              

Of course all of us have been a trap of "last 3 left"or "limited seats available"etcetc. Its the scarcity that makes us take decisions faster and sometimes even those that are not in our favor.

Also a bonus point is that its easier to justify your demand when its with a reason.Sometimes it becomes difficult for us to ask someone to take the initiative,because in a herd all are dependent on each other. So just pointing a specific person helps.

Having known these principles, we need to be damn aware about the psychology of persuasion operating around and beware we don't fall a prey to it.

We need to understand that its not always how it looks.So stay cautious you aren't trapped anywhere.

This was the book in a nutshell.I hope it helps you.

Do comment and let the larger crowd know your views and experience.



  1. "Upbhoktawad ki Sanskriti" we had such chapter in grade 9th I believe that was the first time I was introduced to the idea of consumerism. Its shocking n terrifying to see/experience what manmade stuff can do to man themselves, humanity aside. Thank you so much for sharing the inner crust of the same. Super interesting examples plus the pictures added the irony reflecting throughout the article! Good Job Kinu! Keep it up! Stayin aware! πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

  2. Thank you kinjal u saved my time reading a big book but gave me all the required knowledge keep it up .. keep writing summary and reviews of books would love to read them .

  3. Very well written!


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