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Hello once again! 🙌

I hope you all are doing well. The covid is at its peak today. No, no! don't get scared, I am not going to bore you with the mundane news you are hearing whensoever. The fact is ,all of us have realized that our lives are temporary, and so we are worried- what will happen tomorrow?

Some of us have a worry- which field to choose,will I be able to make it,what if i don't??? While some of us are in worry how they will be able to sustain their livelihood?


We are not able to live our lives, the way we actually want to and so by the time death awaits us, we will be overcome with regret. 

The reason behind this problem is that we are not in the present moment.

Well Friends, we all need a REMINDER!


The PAST is something that has already elapsed,in no terms can it be changed.
The FUTURE is that facet of time which has not yet arrived, and so it is uncertain.
The PRESENT is the only moment in which one can truly LIVE and achieve something worthwhile.

Have you ever thought that the root cause of majority of your sorrows is the past, and reason of majority of  worries is your future. What if a particular thing happens? What if something does not happen?How will it happen? But I say, AT LEAST LET IT HAPPEN! in other words this is what is called as the 'BINDAAS' theory.
We all need to stay that BINDAAS today. Let me tell you something very important. When you try to rethink your past, or mould your future just by your thoughts in the present, you will waste a lot of your Good Energy. And maybe that is why you feel tired easily, though you say you are at home, sitting at one place all day!

Have you heard the  story of an intelligent magician?
One day, a magician, in order to impress the king and earn a reward, vanished the King's crown. The King instead felt insulted and so he commanded the magician to be imprisoned and executed in a week's time.
The next day, the magician's wife heard this news, sobbing uncontrollably, she went running to him. To her utter shock, the magician showed no sign of grief. Grieving and crying she sought to understand the reason behind his indifference. The magician said, " Six full days still remain for my execution and a lot can be done during this time. Why should I spoil today by unnecessarily thinking about tomorrow? His wife could not comprehend the meaning and felt his husband had got insane in face of certain death.
The same reply continued for next five days. Finally the execution time had arrived. When the king asked him for his last wish, the magician immediately started to cry. In a woeful voice he said, '' Oh my king! For the last two years I have been trying to teach my horse to fly and in a year or so I would have definitely done so. But now I do not have that year in my hand."
The greedy king promised the magician to give him one year of life but in return asked him for the flying horse.
The magician agreed.
On returning home he told the entire story to his wife. The wife was again dejected and began weeping as she knew her husband could live only one year more.
The magician calmly said," Dear, one year is a long period of time; such a long spell holds a thousand different possibilities, and numerous things could occur during this time.''
 And this is what exactly happened. Six months later, the king passed away. Another three months later the horse was no more. Now on what grounds could he be sentenced to death?

That's why it is said:

  • ''The future is absolutely uncertain. Nothing can be more foolish than pondering over it.''
  • ''Even the most intelligent person cannot live more than a moment at a time.''

The easiest way to live in the present is to weaken your memory. Yes the person must not forget the experiences she/he has learnt from the past, but all the moments that lead her/him to sorrow must be forgotten, understanding that they can't be changed.
Dear friends, I request you to add this one step in your schedule: every morning, just as you wake up, thank God for blessing you with one new beginning and promise Him that you would make the best out of it, as if it is going to be the last day of your life.
Just try and see the miracles.
 The book 'I am the Mind' by DEEP TRIVEDI has been of a great help for me to understand the true nature of the human mind and how it can be controlled. Do read it if it is available to you.


 So,the takeaway is: FORGET PAST, LET FUTURE ARRIVE, UNTIL THEN STAY IN  THE PRESENT, and you will see your life giving you innumerable presents.



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