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Showing posts from May, 2021

कहाँ फिसल गए वह दिन?

     कहाँ  फिसल गए वह दिन?                                                    कैसे फिसल गए वह दिन जिनमे था असली जीवन                                                     बस याद करो कब था आपने खुलकर जीया?                                               कब था वह आखरी दिन जब न थी कोई थकान,                                                                    और न ही कोई शिकायत                                                                        न थी कोई टेंशन,                                                              बस थी हसने की ज़िम्मेदारी                                        कहाँ  फिसल गए वह दिन?....... याद कीजिये दोस्तों !                                                              कोनसे थे वह आखरी पल,                                               जब छोटे से छोटे लक्ष्य को पाने के लिए आप थे अटल                                                               फिर चाहे ज़िद से या रो कर,                                                                  आप रहते  लक्ष्य पाकर                  


  Let me begin with an incidence. Imagine yourself riding a bicycle, in the bright morning sunshine, exercising as well as enjoying the verdure as you are riding. The climate is extremely appealing. Now you have had all the exercise and wish to get back home. Suddenly, another person, appears from a crossroad, in front of you. The person is very energetic and has a speed like the 'tauktae'(the storm that had very high winds). Looking at the guy, you want yourself to be faster and better and so you instantaneously try to overtake him/her, forgetting the scenery that made you happy. What's next? In this process you actually forget the lane that takes you to your home and miss it in the flow of competition . The ultimate result is :you have to travel a longer distance,  indeed wasting your time to reach home(destination). The point I want to bring home is, in this ''extra'' competitive world, we tend to forget our actual purpose and are prone to move in the pat


Hello once again! 🙌 I hope you all are doing well. The covid is at its peak today. No, no! don't get scared, I am not going to bore you with the mundane news you are hearing whensoever. The fact is ,all of us have realized that our lives are temporary, and so we are worried- what will happen tomorrow? Some of us have a worry- which field to choose,will I be able to make it,what if i don't??? While some of us are in worry how they will be able to sustain their livelihood? SO MANY WORRIES AND AMONGST THEM ARE WE, SANDWICHED! We are not able to live our lives, the way we actually want to and so by the time death awaits us, we will be overcome with regret.  The reason behind this problem is that we are  not in the present moment. Well Friends, we all need a REMINDER!          The PAST is something that has already elapsed,in no terms can it be changed. The FUTURE is that facet of time which has not yet arrived, and so it is uncertain. The PRESENT is the only mom


It was my exam time and I was studying in my room, but our neighbor where having a party and playing plangent music. It really irritated me and in fact I did not study that day. Have you experienced the same? All of us get irritated various times in a day. Someone fidgeting with a pen, while someone banging the bench you are sharing with, or sometimes shaking their leg and disturbing you or even a fly that is buzzing around. Smallest of the acts irritate and further lead to annoyance. This greatly affects your MOOD and shrunkens your efficiency at work. The experts say that the central cause for irritation is UNCONTROLLED MIND. If your mind is easily allured  to the situation and feels it disturbing then you are bound to get irritated. In simple words, explain your mind by saying mantras similar like:'' mann, why are you getting irritated so easily?, see that person will not change so can't I adjust with the situation ?'' This funda will simply work. The SHRIMADBHA